vice suagggeerrrrrrrr super secret website

"vice suager is the suagiest motherfucka on the world" - vice swager (not SUAGER, 'swager', different dude)

(note: don't take anything on this page seriously, i'm just messing around with this website for now! :] this neocities stuff is fun)


send help to my DAD!! he has the post-trauma-sexy-distorter or somethin

-my musical mashup project! "YOUR FAVORITE DEEZ NUTS", our entire discography is free (of course), so, take a listen!-

-my slightly, worse music mashup project... "ZOINGO TROINGO". um, take a listen! if you... want...-

-MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL! music, random stolen memes, mashups, all of my music videos, whatever the fuck i want to upload-

-my original music project, "VICE SUAGER", hopin to, maybe one day if i finish it, release a full album! but for now, my ass only has a few dumb instrumental tracks and an EP.

[NOTE: not all of my music will be uploaded on this link, if u want more consistent music updates, go 2 the next link]-

-TUMBLR PAGE (PS. type in "/music" for even more updates on music i'm workin on)-

-download everything Lemon Demon has-

-buy everything Lemon Demon has-

-download and buy everything Lemon Demon has-

look at this fucking cat, i'm never removing him

i know it's from the fucking html tutorial thing, he's still pretty cute


i'll try to update this babie as much as possible!!!!

11/03/2022 (November 3rd, 2022)

HI! this is my first time writing here 4 real, or something.

anyways - ALBUM UPDATE - and stuff

NOTE: i have currently NOT recorded any of my vocals at the moment, so apologies for the placeholder vocals on the "Really Good Burger" and "Fuzzyland (Another Medium)" snippets on here.

anyways, rambling aside, this is my SECOND album preview (my first one can be found easily on my tumblrr), for my upcoming album, "THE VOID"!!!!!!!!!!

AlbumPreview MP3 SINGLE!!


Vice Suager - // YAGI //

Vice Suager/Lemon Demon - // EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS //

YFDN/Lemon Demon/Less Than Jake - // REALLY GOOD BURGER //


Vice Suager/Lemon Demon - // CRISIS ACTORS //

Vice Suager/Lemon Demon - // ANCIENT ALIENS //

Vice Suager/YFDN/Lemon Demon/Helluva Boss - // BLITZO-QUEST //

Vice Suager/YFDN/Lemon Demon/Toby Fox - // FUZZYLAND (ANOTHER MEDIUM) //

11/04/2022 (November 4th, 2022)

- ALBUM UPDATE - again!!!

yeah tbh most of these "blog" things are probably gonna be about my upcoming, 1st (technically 2nd), album,

as i do not have much else to do currently then to talk about this stuff!!

ANYWAYS! while i do not know what sorts of drugs i must've taken last night for this to happen,

but i guess i finally have the rest of my album's song and structure planned-the-fuck out!?!?!?!

i've legit been STRESSING the fuck OUT for the past month cause

i thought i couldn't get this album to turn out like i want it to, BUT NEVERMIND I'M SET cuz a 3am version of me,

who i guess took a break from reading his usual rounds of gay fiction of napstablook from undertale,

decided to remind me of all the songs i wanted to put on this album, but forgot about.

AND NOW! because of that, "The Void" is going to be, uhhh, slightly LESS shittier, i guess...

anyways, i guess i'm gonna finish this album update off with a rough mix of one the songs appearing on this album:

your favorite deez nuts - REALLY GOOD BURGER

YFDN's hopefully only feature on this album. a mashup of "We're All Dudes" by Less Than Jake & Kel Mitchell from the Good Burger (1997) soundtrack


Lemon Demon's 2011 song, "Really Cool Wig".

Really Good Burger - MP3 SINGLE!!

you (obviously), can't buy the Good Burger soundtrack anymore, but you can still buy the "Really Cool Wig" single by Lemon Demon on his Bandcamp

Really Cool Wig by Lemon Demon ...-... BUY IT!

11/06/2022 (November 6th, 2022)

not really an ALBUM update, but more or less, just a few songs i've completed and am gonna post rn lol

ANYWAYS, here's a remix cover, thing (that i actually posted a few days ago don't tell nobody :]) of "Thundersnail"!

whether i did this out of pure boredom or because of my recent crush on a fictional

ghost from a 2015 pixel game that i haven't been able to get rid of??? who knows!!!!

anyways, this is

THUNDERSNAIL (composed: napstablook, toby fox)

ANYWAYS, here's another song that's been updated in the past few days.

this is just a simple instrumental i felt like making one afternoon.

anyways, here's the official B-side to 'Thundersnail',

AFTONCORD (composed: ME!!!!)

OK, and last song remix thing for now.

this is another instrumental remix of an Undertale track.

the only thing different is that i slightly changed the name since this has the highest possibility

to actually get on my next full length album.

BATTLE AGAINST A TRUE SUAGER (composed: toby fox)

aight, that's it for today, album release hopefully for January 2023? idk seems good to me

(so i have enough time to get my shit together, lol)

alright, see ya the next time i update this babie.

11/11/2022 (November 11th, 2022)

mini-album update: SHIT'S STILL HAPPENING!! nothing else to say rn lol.

anyways, my ass has been pretty busy making songs and whatnot

and while most of the songs i've been making are actually fairly important

to my album's structure at the moment, so i won't be able to post those,

BUT!!! here's my latest little mini-piece of music, this is


and will, undoubtedly, get on my next album.

also yes i know i legit just said i wouldn't show any other album track,

but like, i'm very proud of my instrumental work on this track, so here is:


a track (most likely to not have vocals until the album's release!)

about the wacky ass theory proposed by Christine Chandler (or Chris Chan) that the thin white border

between FICTION and REALITY is gonna break, like, next sunday or somethin.

(image courtesy of: me)

and while i do share the belief, that, frankly,

it would be fucking radical if i could finally propose to napstablook from Undertale

and spend the rest of my days lying on the floor with him for the rest of my life,

i do still must warn that, i don't actually believe in the Dimensional Merge,

i only made this song to have some fun writing lyrics, and fun i did have, so fuck yall, disclaimer over.

anyways, i have nothing else to say,

here's ya free ticket to check out an old YFDN mashup video i'm still, sorta proud of :3

see ya!

11/12/2022 (November 12th, 2022)

anotha "Void" update: SHIT'S STILL HAPPENING!! still nothing else to say lol.

uhhhh i thought i already updated this but it turns out i actually updated YESTERDAY,

i guess these days are starting to run together for me, lol.

ANYWAYS, just was on my usual lookin at other websites on this website place and jesus

christ, so many fucking cool ass designs on here, apologies for being the exception here.

ok, apologies aside, here's another fun instrumental piece i made in my free time,

most likely NOT to get on my next album, buuuutttt here is

Dcat / Digi-Tak

i must note, this has like, mostly nothing to do with the sex-drived masterpiece, "Cbat",

by Hudson Mohawke. i don't even listen to him but i had this funny image of him named "Dcat.png",

"Digi-Tak" is the alternate name i had while actually making the track.

(title: my life-long dedication to stanning soulja boy)

anyways, here's 2 images (top/bottom), i made a bit ago, i forgot when and i don't really care to check.

(title: Andrew Tate but he's even MORE evil and sexist!)

aight, short post here today, that's all i gotta say tonight, good night !!!!

11/13/2022 (November 13th, 2022)

wassup! uhhhh "Void" update: STILL HAPPENING!!!!

actually development on it is actually going a lot smoother now due to

having a bit more of a cohesive idea of how this album's gonna turn out as.

also i'm turning the website black for a bit now :)))




idk why i'm doing it but it sounds fun lol.

cause now you've gotta highlight all this text to READ it now, lol!!!





ok blog post continue:

oh and not to mention i've got the house to myself cuz my parents are out for a bit today

sooooo i MIGHT? be able to get some vocals done without feeling embarrased and ending up with

a horrible take that i just have to deal with until i have time to take another one :>

(NO i wont stop)

soo anyways, that's the album update for today!

ive got my bandcamp album release-date set to January 5th, 2022, sooo, possible release date?

blah blah blah, CDs are being pressed as we speak, blah blah blah, things are almost sorta done,

blah blah blah blah.... bye fuckers! :333

here's the song of the day i guess:

...oh..... (an undertale remix, HOW ORIGINAL!!)

oh look! there's the promotional symbol/item i'm using whenever promoting "The Void"!

wonder what that's there for...

anyways, see ya!

11/17/2022 (November 17th, 2022)

back again lol

GUESS WHAT! i got a new full VIDEO out now!

this is my horrible, horrible, fever dream of a video for my song,

Dave Chappelle

idk why i have an urge to make a music video for one of my worst songs of all time,

but i did have a lot of fun making it :3

Dave Chappelle (the bandcamp download! [name ur own price / free])

also included in the Bandcamp single, is a cool new B-side,

named "Wayne Brady". It's a sorta style-parody of "654321 Digimon / Mitt Romney)"

by Lemon Demon, that was only played LIVE! at Youmacon 2012.

here's an MP3 download of that B-side, "Wayne Brady".

ALRIGHT! hope yall enjoyed that, i think i might start production

on another music video (possibly one for 'The Void'? who knows...)

anyways, that's my latest music update for now,

and while i can't ever correctly predict what my brain will do in the future,

i predict i'll at least, TRY to stop posting all of my music here, even if this place is a sort of, venting place for me,

even if it doesn't seem like that on the front cover. anyways,

see yall later! :3333333

11/21/2022 (November 21th, 2022)

back AGAIN lol

album update: stiiillll happening dude.

another update: new music video in production!

a music video i'll specifically be scheduling a release for when 'Void' comes out!!!!

anyways, here's a few new things to soon come from this album cuz i dont have much else to say rn:

===1. a DOUBLE-ALBUM set whenever the album is purchased physically.===

i've decided to do a full bonus-tracks album to be shipped WITH 'The Void'!

that's sorta right, along with The Void's bonus tracks, you get a full, alternate take of 'The Void'!

in short, it's what 'The Void' would've turned out to be if i never got that icky 'pression

===2. a 3-CD physical release===

idk what else to say, The Void is gonna come in a 2-CD jewel case, and the other double-album comes in a 1-CD package.

===3. a 3-LP physical release===

number 2 but with vinyls instead of CDs.

okey, i don't have a song to show off cause all the new songs currently are fairly important to the album

and i don't have anything else to tell u.

uhhhhhh bye?

12/02/2022 (December 2nd, 2022)


that's right i somehow got something to sound like what i want it to sound like.

and while this album is still fairly shitty i think i did an OK job with it.

the album, as most things, is avaliable on my Bandcamp for free download! though if you want to pay then you can but i don't really mind/care if you don't lmao

--"THE VOID" Bandcamp download link--

--and a youtube upload if you want a more visual representation of the album!--

oh and if ur wondering, yes i already have another album in production cause i have literally nothing else to do other than

to try to see if i can make breakcore music

--i posted a demo of one of the songs likely to appear on that next album on my YT here :3--

anyways, that's most of everything i wanted to say.

listen to my new album (if you want to)

WATCH my new album (if you want to)

SEE my new album (you don't have a choice anymore you have to)

and i'll see yall later lol

also look at this mfs haircut lol